Ricki Lake

After countless clinical and holistic remedies, Ricki declared she had given up on ever having beautiful, lustrous hair again. Yet, just months after Ricki’s declaration, she has seen dramatic changes in her hair and scalp thanks to Harklinikken's proprietary customized approach to creating optimal hair health. "Harklinikken has been the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow for me".

Ragga Ragnars

Ragga Ragnars wanted to get into a routine with good products
 to strengthen her hair after many years of swimming professionally. “I can see that my hair has become thicker and stronger. It has much
 more life now than before,” she says. The changes have not only affected her hair, but they have been life-changing. "I have never got into such a good habit of taking care of my hair as I do now. I love it!"

Diane Mary

Once distraught by the effects of thinning hair, today Diane Mary is feeling much more confident about her hair – and in herself: “My hair is one of the biggest parts of my identity, so when it started thinning, it devastated me. Now, my scalp is thriving, and I’m seeing so much new growth.” 

Michael McGuirk

Since starting on his Harklinikken regime, Michael has noticed many changes - not only to his hair, but also to his general well-being: “My scalp is so much healthier, with hardly any flakiness at all. And my hair? It’s completely thicker than it was before.”

Linda McKenna

Linda’s results speak for themselves. Her hair is much fuller and shinier - “and it looks better than with other shampoos I have used. I have learned to be patient in regrowing my hair; it takes time but is worth it. Harklinikken’s products gave me hope that I could restore my hair's fullness.”

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